Thanks, Dad–and Mom–for all that you did NOT do for me!

When my precious—as well as precocious— grandson was only two years old he would delight us all at prayer time by exclaiming, ‘Thank you, God, for opportunities!” As I was reflecting upon Father’s Day, I thought of all of the opportunities and blessings I have had in...

Are You Creating an Insecure Child?

If I were to ask your 5 yr. old a question that he/she could answer like, “Do you like going to school?”  Do you answer for her?   Recently I was discussing this with a friend who had just experienced the ‘parent answering’ when asking a 14 yr. old boy about...

Planned Adversity

My youngest son is a big hockey fan and loves to play as well.  Last weekend he finished four days of very intense tryouts.  Initially there were only four coaches evaluating and everyday more and more coaches would arrive to evaluate the players, until the...
Which Voice are You Listening To?

Which Voice are You Listening To?

 “Mom, mom, there was this super scary guy in our neighborhood that was yelling at us!  He was really creepy!” my youngest son exclaimed. Concerned, I immediately stopped what I was doing and began to ask more questions in “rapid-fire” mode.  You see,...